Tag Archives: meet-up

Movie and a Coach

Have you ever gone to a movie and left wanting to discuss it – not in terms of the acting or directing, but in terms of your own life? As a coach, I’m always seeing coachable moments on screen. I want to suggest alternatives to the characters. I want to have them consider other outcomes.

OK – maybe this is a coach thing, but I don’t think so. How many movies have influenced your life? How often have you quoted a character?

So, I’ve created a new concept – Movie and a Coach. It will debut on August 4 at 5:45. We’re starting with Woody Allen’s Whatever Works. A small group of people can sign up for an evening that includes watching a movie and sitting down over coffee (or whatever) afterwards for a 90 minute coaching conversation. It will be a great way to meet a few new people and to experience coaching. Participants can even coach the characters in the movie!

If you’re in New York City, here’s the link: Movie and a Coach. Ticket and beverage included.