Tag Archives: escapism

FarmVille Frenzy – Life Lessons?

Thousands of intelligent men and women – most of whom have real lives and careers – are spending hours rescuing lost calfs or planting tomatoes on fantasy farms on Zynga’s FarmVille. Why? And why have I become one of them?

Speculation runs from evil plots (remember the Alex Baldwin commercials for Hulu.com?) through relaxation to community-building. Early on, Andy Wibbels remarked early on that he wondered what would happen if he spent as much time on his business as he did to farming. I think he got his answer, because he’s left the farm and his business ventures are thriving.

Most of us were lured in by a friend. Mine was someone who missed her farmland origins. I tried farming, and I was hooked. As an urban dweller, the closest I come to a farm or a farmer on a regular basis is the Union Square Greenmarket. It was peaceful to plant and harvest virtual produce. It didn’t take a lot of time, though, to get caught up in “the sparklies” – all the little extra doo-dads for the farm.

Communities began to grow as farmers acquired neighbors and earned points for performing various chores on each other’s farms. Now, FarmVille has introduced Co-ops. Teams work together to bring in a large harvest. Here’s where teamwork and cooperation really begin to peak. A band of farmers figures out how to work together to plant exactly the right number of items to meet their collective goal.

Insanity? Maybe. But there are life lessons here. As other writers have pointed out, this does build community. If I could cooperate with my real neighbors the same way I do with my virtual ones, we could do wonderful things to improve our community.

If I could build a business team half as efficient as my FarmVille co-op, I would be doing very, very well. And if I were to be half as persistent with working on my blog or my book or workshops as I am with feeding my virtual puppy, I’d be realizing more real dreams than virtual ones.

Will that happen? Well, this post is a start!

Top Chef, Project Runway, What Not To Wear and Real Life

Guilty as charged! I watch reality shows. It’s a guilty pleasure for many people, and I think that, really, there’s noting to feel guilty about, unless you’re using these shows to avoid a real life of your own.

So, what’s the up side of these shows? Top Chef , even through all the editing and drama, shows creativity and resilience and sometimes even some interesting food. All of the contestants were certainly accomplished chefs or they wouldn’t have made the cut. The show itself doesn’t necessarily test cooking skills. Instead, it tests creativity, flexibility, sometimes teamwork, and the ability to perform under pressure. I can’t say that Project Runway has made me want to buy anything from these designers, but, again, it’s fascinating to see what can be done in a tight time frame – and with some pretty unlikely materials, on occasion.

Will a new wardrobe change your life? Despite the impression that What Not to Wear gives sometimes, the answer remains no.  It’s the off-camera conversations that we sometimes see a glimpse of that are interesting about this show. It’s not really about wardrobe, although there are plenty of good ideas about what is and is not flattering for the less-than-perfectly-shaped, it’s about self-care and self-esteem.

Mindless escapism? Yes, certainly. And a few good life lessons as well.